All the nations you have made shall come
and worship before you, O Lord,
and shall glorify your name.
Psalm 86:9
David's vision of the worship of the LORD is global because God's vision of worship calls all the nations to Him. Israel was a chosen nation, but all the nations of the world are the creation of God, every person, every culture, every people group are loved by God, and called to worship the Lord. The nations are God's creation, made for His glory to be sharing in His worship. That is the vision of world missions, that all nations would come to bring glory to the name of their God.
And this is still the state of things thousands of years of world history later. God has made all the nations for His glory and blessing... not just the good ol' U. S. of A! All nations are made for His glory and purposes. Botswana and Belgium, Indonesia and India, Chile and China, any nation on this globe is made up of people that God created, loves, and for whom He sent His Son to die! When God loved the world by sending Jesus, He loved ALL the people of the world, not just parts of it. God loves ALL the nations, even ones like North Korea, or Sudan, or Iran, Libya or Yemen. And God is calling all people groups to Him. That includes people lost in sin and compensating with Buddhism, Islam, ancestor worship, animism, secularism or a host of other false beliefs. He will call them all to His worship.
And Christians are tasked to play a role in accomplishing this big picture of worship. Jesus charges us to make disciples of the nations. We preach the gospel, we baptize believers, we teach God's Word as Jesus commanded because this vision drives us. At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father. And the nations God has made shall worship Him!