Thursday, June 4, 2015

"...I discerned their end."

But when I thought how to understand this,
it seemed to me a wearisome task,
until I went into the sanctuary of God;
then I discerned their end.
Psalm 73:16-17

There is a tension each believer feels when they see what appears to be prosperity for the wicked under the world's rules and the generous common grace of God. Sometimes the wicked seem to go unpunished and they often flourish. We see the same in our culture both inside and outside the visible Church. It is a troubling experience. It can bring doubts and disillusionment.

I expect the wicked to make wealth an idol. Unbelievers will very well prosper materially. The economic systems of this world favor not just hard work, but also ruthlessness. From the days of the Egyptian pharaohs until now, the powerful have exploited those under them to make fame and fortune for one person's name only. It is the way of the world to promote self.

To see it in the church is frightening. But it is here, make no excuses for it. You see it in every multi-media televangelism "ministry". It oozes out of Joel and Victoria like the serpant's seductive charm, promising good looks, health, lots of dreamy stuff if we just live as positively (and self-driven) as they do. I have said this many times, but the demise of American Evangelicalism has come from within, not without. It comes from our fascination with creating celebrities, marketing curriculum, and aping culture that steals away true biblical community in the church, and makes marketing our mission rather than bringing the gospel into the world.

God, I see our end if we don't return to Your sanctuary. It is not looking good for the future of Christian faith in my world. We cannot blame the rapidly paganizing culture of unbelievers. We ourselves... Christians... the people You call out of the world to be a light to the world... are to blame. Your people have forgotten to follow You, Jesus! God help us, we must repent of our wicked desire for worldly prosperity and fame. May we only make You great in what we do. Destroy our evangelical culture if You must. Burn our curriculum and any books save our Bibles. Bring us to shame for our celebrity worship... and Jesus... may You be our only Bright and Morning Star.

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