And when the mourning was over, David sent and brought her to his house, and she became his wife and bore him a son. But the thing that David had done displeased the Lord.
2 Samuel 11:27
Sin has a way of compounding the misery of our attempts at keeping sin secret. David's sin with Bathsheba is a classic case study in how this works. What began as a sinful, lusting look ended in murder and government coverup at the highest level of political power. A long chain of sin followed in quick succession as David did all in his devious fallen mind to keep his sins "private". It is ironic that the detailed account of his sinful conspiracy is now recorded in the most widely circulated book in the world. At the time, he thought he had pulled it all off!
David's lust became coveting. He wanted that woman he saw bathing from the high rooftop of his palace. He sent for her with all the power of the palace, and though David knew that she was married to a high-ranking trusted military officer, he seduced her and committed adultery. But his one time affair soured when she sent David word that she was pregnant with his child. David tried to lure Uzziah back from battle to capture him in a web of lies, hoping he could create the circumstances for Uzziah to appear to be the child's father. When Uzziah's loyalties kept him from being used as David's pawn, David angrily enlisted his army's top leadership to endure Uzziah died in battle. David is an evil traitor at this point. So now there was conspiracy to murder and the actual murder of Uzziah solely placed on David's shoulders.
When David married Bathsheba as soon as culturally allowable after her husband's death, he slyly believed the whole coverup was a huge success. He did not count on God being displeased the entire time. And it is God's justice and judgment that will quickly lead to the unravelling of the conspiracy in one prophetic confrontation. We cannot hide from God. Our sins are before him like museum exhibits. As David found out, nothing is hidden from God's sight.
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