Wednesday, September 4, 2024

where You send

Philip went down to the city of Samaria and proclaimed to them the Christ.
Acts 8:5

Where You send me
the gospel will go.
Your grace and truth
that I know
will be the message
I will show.
I will tell it and
watch Your kingdom grow.

Where You lead me
will be the place
where I will sing
Amazing Grace.
The familiar
in my rear view,
I will go forward, 
Lord, with You.

Lord, You show me
the place to be
and I will confidently
move these feet.
With my two hands
I will care
for the people
that are there.

My home a tent —
a nomad’s rest
is how I view
my life the best.
Lead me on, Lord,
my life to use
for telling others 
Your good news.

A tabernacle
in which You live
— my life in service
I will give.
Making Jesus
always known
until You lead me
forever home.

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