Wednesday, June 26, 2024

the way God sees it

And he said to him, “I am the LORD who brought you out from Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to possess.”
Genesis 15:7

God takes full responsibility for Abram’s circumstances. There are two ways of seeing this situation: 1) Abram left all that was familiar and “did the work” of faith as God called him. 2) God brought Abram out of all that was familiar to give him so much more. As God reveals His perspective, we can see that this was the viewpoint that Abram needed just as God was going to affirm His promises through a physical covenant with the old man whose faith believed the call of God to leave all that was familiar in order to follow God in an unspecified direction for a specific promise on an epic journey of faith. Yes, Abram left Ur. But it was God that brought him out.

And that perspective is vital to faith. We may obey what God calls us to do, and we should, but above all, it is God Who does it all for us. Without Him there is nothing! And that viewpoint is what we need to make sure we keep getting right as we journey on by faith in Christ. Jesus is One Who is faithful in our faith. The Lord is constant in all our chaos. God is the “Changer for our good” in all life’s changes.

You know the seasons of change You have brought in me. You lead where it is all going. You chose my way and You show the way, but I often see just dimly a step at a time. Still, it feels so wonderful knowing what You are doing. It had been a foggy season for a while. I am so very thankful to no longer be walking on a bridge You are building in that mist over the chasm of the unknown. It is clearer. Yet You still call me to faith as it still all depends on You. I must take steps of faith and must trust in a process outside my control. You will take me out of my Ur and You will take me to the next place that is best. I will trust.

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