Thursday, August 12, 2021

worship prayer

Great is our Lord, and abundant in power;
his understanding is beyond measure.
Psalm 147:5

O Lord,
You are indeed great. You are so far above me that when I pause to contemplate Your power and wisdom, I am immediately, staggeringly humbled. I live in a universe that You created that in itself is so vast, that uncountable years would be needed for light to travel across its breadth. And you simply spoke all that vast universe into being! All of that is just ONE of Your thoughts! The word “great” may be forever an understatement of just how immensely different You are from Your creation. Still, I know that You are certainly my great God!

You are a God abundant in power. You can do anything, all things, really everything You desire. I live in a world that has its share of powerless and what feels like rolling global crisis after crisis… raging wars, ethnic strife, burning forests, threatened climate, fierce disease pandemics, and most tragically — souls that You created for eternity with You in Christ are dying daily — many having never heard the good news about Jesus. Your power is what keeps the people of planet earth from complete annihilation so that Your people can make gospel proclamation so that in grace You will lead people to find Your salvation. And that is the ultimate display of Your power — people becoming a New Creation, living in a better kingdom, focused on a bright future, in Jesus!

I cannot fathom what You know. A worm, as a blind creature of mere instinct, cannot comprehend the thoughts of a neuroscientist. So I cannot begin to understand Your mind. But I CAN know Your most important revealed thoughts for me as I read Your Word, talk with You in prayer, trust the movement of Your Spirit in my life, and walk with You as You lead this life! And an intimacy with the Almighty kindles my heart into a flame of worship as I realize all of this. Great are You, Lord! Abundant is Your power to lead, comfort, and change my life. Your wisdom is more than I can ever measure. Forever I will be captivated by Your greatness and wonder, O Lord!

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