Thursday, July 29, 2021

believing what God is

The LORD is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
Psalm 145:8

One short verse in a massive song of praise is packed with four truths of God’s character that encourage my soul. These truths show me Who God is. They let me know how God will work in my life. They provide perspective. They lead me to worship.

God is gracious. David had a sense of this even as the Law had its harsh demands. God was gracious to the king in forgiving sin, bestowing blessings, protecting all of his life, and using David, even in his brokenness to lead Israel. I can trust and lean hard into this God of grace Who treats me so much better than I have ever deserved.

God is merciful. God will forgive sin. He will withhold His judgment on the truly repentant. He will pardon those who put their hope in Him. He does not treat us as our sins deserve, but grants bountiful new mercies every morning of every day. I need His mercy. He is there with it for me.

God is slow to anger. His patience and forbearance are remarkable. He wisely rebukes me through His Word. He convicts of sin by His Spirit. He holds me accountable. And when I repent, He forgives and forgets! He is not capricious. He wants nobody to perish but truly desires that all people everywhere would repent. This magnifies His grace and mercy all the more, even if it leads me to sometimes question why it seems He will not act against sin. It is because He is making the gospel offer clear and granting time to repent for all sinners.

God abounds in steadfast love. He is faithful to us even when we struggle believing Him. When our faith falters, God is still steadfast. His love never fails. His grace is always available. His mercy is at the ready. His smile awaits me when I trust in Him. And He pours this out on all believers in abundance. God’s love isn’t rationed… it is extravagant! And because of this, our lives can overflow with all the abundant gifts of God.

You are gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. I worship You, trust You, and love You, my Savior!

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