Tuesday, March 9, 2021

a “good name” manifesto

A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches,
and favor is better than silver or gold.
The rich and the poor meet together;
the LORD is the Maker of them all.
Proverbs 22:1-2

I’m at the stage of my life where a lot of things that I used to think were very important just simply have proven to no longer matter. Life isn’t about grabbing all the stuff, or having all the money, or achieving a certain lifestyle based on a cultural expectation. I am much more concerned about reputation over riches. I would much rather die kind yet very content, than to die wealthy and consumed with money, management, and maintenance. Those three things are damned for fire. In fact, my motto for this last leg of my journey, however far the run may be, and no matter how long or short the finish line is away from me is this: “Die Kind”.

I don’t see that as a grim goal. In fact, embracing the wisdom of this proverb with my own mortality, I’d rather have a good name and favor, prayerfully for all the right reasons, hoping to look more like Jesus, than to have the finest retirement portfolio that gives me the perceived good life! Dying rich or poor doesn’t make a lick of difference really! Both must meet together before their Maker. And a life lived in following Jesus, in flowing His grace toward others as He leads me, is the richest, fullest, most satisfying life imaginable to me.

I reject the unnecessary complexity that materialism and greed may tempt me to want. I am content in Jesus with my daily bread, and will find joy in the life that He gives to me. I will endeavor to make eternal investments in the Word of God, which abides forever, and in the souls of people who will go into eternity. And the name that God may choose to bless me with, the reputation that is the only thing that matters among those I leave behind who will only remember me until they too meet their Maker, will be the choice that I will never regret as I seek to know, love, and forever dwell with my Creator!

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