Tuesday, July 28, 2015

a death knell for porn

Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming.
Colossians 3:5-6

This passage is a death knell for pornographic lust. It calls us to put to death what is core to the porn experience
1) Sexual immorality (porneia): the generic New Testament word for anything that is sexually immoral. Porn does not celebrate Christian marital fidelity. It is thus sexually immoral.
2) Impurity. Sexual lust is impure. It is not celebrating holiness. It is looking at a person who is not your spouse for the purpose of sexual lust. This is not to be confused with sexual desire which is a God-given motivation meant to drive us toward His design of being "one flesh" with our spouse for life.
3) Passion. Sexual lust is driven by sinful passion. Porn feeds this with lying images meant to inflame passion for more which makes it horrifyingly addictive.
4) Evil desire. Sexual lust is all about a desire for something. Porn is designed to incite desire for someone else to whom you are not married and this desire cannot be fulfilled by any holy means once porn incites it.
5) Covetousness. You want the object of sexual lust even though morally, legally, and biblically you cannot have it. This is the root sin of porn.
6) Idolatry. Your heart misses out on worshiping God by worshiping the object of sexual lust. Jesus promised that the reward for the pure in heart is that they will see God. Porn steals this reward from you. You miss God and replace that with fleeting glimpses of human bodies... just like idolatry replaces God with an idol.

The result of all these is that God's wrath comes to the "earthly" person  in judgment. That is the outcome of sexual immorality. Brief pleasures of sin for a season are not worth the high price. Nobody considers this when "doing" porn.

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