And he said to me, “These are the true words of God.”
Revelation 19:9b
Why would the apostle John, in the very process of receiving direct prophetic revelation from God, mediated by the voice of an angel nonetheless, be told to record that those very words are “true words of God”? It would seem obvious. Yet God wanted to remind not only John, but the readers of the Book of Revelation, that the very words being spoken were the words of God and they are true.
Truth is in short supply these days. In fact, with the onslaught of “new media” and “social media” and “deep fakes”, we must assume that a great deal of what we are exposed to is in fact, not at all truth, but propaganda with an agenda contrary to God. This is true among Christians as well as non-Christians. Human generated content is full of lies.
So what should I believe? Is it the evening news? Is it a video on Facebook? Is it a Twitter (or whatever the new devilish name for it is) feed? I should believe God’s truth. Where do I find God’s truth? I find it in the Bible, God’s holy Word. God speaks clearly there. His Word is the only trusted source of truth in my life. I’ve lived all my life to understand Him in His truth. I open my Bible each day to expose my heart to truth. I seek to order my thoughts and actions around what is said there because God speaks truth. These words, in scripture, are the true words of God.