And the gospel must first be proclaimed to all nations.
Mark 13:10
Would scripture give us any indication that we are indeed living in the end days? Well… “yes”… and “I don’t know.”
From the teaching of Jesus it is clear that the world is certainly troubled and filled with disaster as He says it will be near the end. And His followers have indeed stood before high rulers… from the first generation of apostles all the way to today. Martyrs still die for loving Jesus. Christians are often hated, cancelled, or at best ridiculed by many cultural powers worldwide.
Yet there are many places, many people groups who have not yet had a gospel witness. There are closed borders for Christian activity. It would seem that we have not quite filled the globe with the good news that Jesus died and rose again to bring us peace with God and home forever with Him. There is still a lot of work left to preach Jesus to ALL people. Until we love people and the world like God does to bring the gospel everywhere, we haven’t quite fulfilled this prophetic call of Jesus to proclaim Him to ALL people everywhere.
I’m somewhat of a gospel pragmatist. Sure, it is interesting to know what Jesus taught about end times. But I can’t live my Christian life exclusively fixated on that. Eschatology never is bigger than the gospel’s first priority! We need to make Jesus known, not hunker down and wait for the judgement of the Great White Throne. My task is to help people passionately follow Jesus. And if you are a Christian… that is what should wake you up every morning. You should hit the floor each morning figuring out what to do to make Jesus known! Let’s love like Jesus. Let’s live like Jesus. Let’s tell others the good news about Jesus.
Fixating on our culture and its faults is the wrong focus because it is the GOSPEL that fixes hearts. And when Jesus reclaims hearts this WILL reclaim what is broken in our world. Don’t worry about if these are the last days… it doesn’t change the hard reality that we have much gospel work to do RIGHT NOW!