Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the LORD;
be assured, he will not go unpunished.
Proverbs 16:5
Sinful pride is something God will never overlook. Arrogance that exalts self will be punished by God. And in a self-driven, “looking out for number one”, self-promotion, “follow your heart”, selfie obsessed culture, can arrogance NOT take deep root? It is truly the mark of our days, in many circles applauded as an achievement. And nothing can be further from the heart of God.
Arrogance worships personal autonomy. Arrogance celebrates personal sinful expression. Arrogance runs on a philosophy that “I know best”. Arrogance awards self-promotion and rolls out the red carpet for ego as the celebrity. Arrogance makes personal willful pride the defining personal characteristic above all others. Arrogance needs no other master than individual will. Arrogance fights and ridicules. Arrogance disregards the Word of God as an antiquated set of limiting rules… the ultimate offense against self. Arrogance defies God.
But humility is what brings the heart to God. Humility is the opposite of arrogance. Humility accepts the damage to self that sin has done. Humility celebrates the power and grace of God. Humility praises the God Who stoops to save and redeem broken lives. Humility raises hands in worship of God. Humility knows we need the Lord of Heaven to rule over us completely. Humility embraces the will of God. Humility loves the Word of God for the life-saving standards and gracious wisdom God gives. Humility adores God and repents of selfish attempts at individual autonomy.
Mighty God and Lord,
You will punish arrogance in my heart. You must rule this heart. And so I ask that You keep me aware of my own arrogant drifts. May Your Spirit and Your Word keep me humble, I pray!