When our enemies heard that it was known to us and that God had frustrated their plan, we all returned to the wall, each to his work.
Nehemiah 4:15
Nehemiah’s wall-building crew faced opposition from Judah’s old enemies. For Jerusalem to have walls again meant several things: success, regrowth, power, protection, economic security, and the blessing of God. As the wall encircled the city and had been built to half its height, the enemies who had at first mocked the Jews who were led by Nehemiah to build those walls raised their threat level. They secretly devised plans to attack the construction crews and stop the progress.
But these plans were not secret to God. They became quickly known and were passed on to Nehemiah. Wise leader that he was, Nehemiah responded with agility and force. Even though it slowed the build time, crews were quick to employ a double duty strategy. Half of them were armed guards watching for attack with state of the art weaponry at their sides while the other half of them labored on the wall. All of them camped out overnight on their construction sites to prevent attack, sharing evening watch duties. When the threats got more serious the response was more earnest, brave, and sacrificial. Construction crews became platoons, and spears, swords, shields, bows, and armor were tools alongside bricks, mortar, and trowels to make sure the job was finished well.
These citizen soldiers would finish the job that God through Nehemiah had called them to do. They both built and defended. And their historic, heroic diligence was rewarded. It serves as a reminder for Christians today.
We are called through gospel ministry to also build and defend. We don’t deal in bricks, mortar, or walls, but rather in the lives of people. We proclaim the gospel, making disciples among the nations. We are kingdom builders. We plant churches, nurture believers, help the poor, minister to the widows, care for the orphans, encourage people to come to Jesus, and most of all live out the love of Christ to all people as we plead with them to come to Jesus for eternal salvation and abundant life. And we also have serious threats that we counteract by prayer, courageous confrontation, and continued conviction to stay at gospel ministry despite persecution, suffering or death. Our enemy has opposed us for millennia. It will continue until Jesus returns. Still, we build. We defend. We advance the mission!