I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear,
but now my eye sees you;
therefore I despise myself,
and repent in dust and ashes.
Job 42:5-6
These are Job’s last words on his response to suffering, theological debate with his friends, and a harrowing encounter with God Almighty. He did not sin to “deserve” his suffering, but readily acknowledges that he did sin IN his suffering. God corrected Job. And Job quickly repented.
God understands we are not perfect. It is impossible for us to be sinless. We should not be surprised that although Job rightly proclaimed innocence of sin before his tragedy, he encountered a holy God and quickly is convicted of how he foolishly and self-centeredly sinned in his suffering )Job 42:3). Some of God’s questions to him clearly convicted his heart of this (Job 42:3-4).
The proper response when God’s Word makes us aware of sin is to confess it, hate the sin, love God more, and repent. Job quickly does this. God lovingly forgave him quickly and rewarded His faithful servant again. God is always merciful when we confess our sins and repent! Praise Him for His forgiving mercies in Jesus our Lord!