Romans 10:11
Life’s biggest surprises are no match for the joys found in Jesus. Life’s most disappointing and disruptive upsets cannot take away the fact that those who believe in Him are always kept securely forever by His saving grace. The world’s secularism may belittle Christian faith. Individuals who claim Christianity might make personal mistakes. But Jesus makes no mistakes. He is perfect in every way. And it is His perfect saving work that redeems souls, gives help and hope in desperate times, changes lives dramatically for the better, heals hearts, and keeps those who trust in Him forever secure!
There is not a person on this planet that is not loved by God. The cross and the empty tomb are the overwhelming expressions of this love forever! The invitation is freely given for all to know His forgiveness and life in Jesus. By faith anyone may turn from sin to a Savior Who delights to bestow “his riches on all who call on him” (Romans 10:12).
Lord Jesus,
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Romans 10:13). Thank You that in Your grace You have called me to be one who believes in You. I trust You, Lord Jesus, alone for my eternal salvation and for the life that I live right now. By Your grace I am saved, not my own feeble and tainted efforts! By Your grace I live and am healed from all the worst I have done to myself, others have done to me, and sin has damaged in me. And it is Your good news.... the grace of the gospel... that compels me to worship You, and about which I wish to talk about always!