His lightnings light up the world;
the earth sees and trembles.
Psalm 97:4
Reflecting on the power of God as He displays it in His created world brings both wonder and worship. Informed by science, my modern self can say that lightning is just electrons forming the path of least resistance from the ground to the clouds because of static build up during pressure changes in a storm. But knowing what makes lightning does not make it any more or any less impressive. It gives me absolutely no control over the power of the tempest or of the power of the thunder bolt! Only God has that control.
But I think that most contemporary readers of this psalm might miss the wonder of the Bronze Age author reflecting on the awesome power of God. For the ancient Jewish observer who wrote this, lightning was an evidence of the power at God’s disposal. It wasn’t about a random discharge of electrons. And I believe the mindset of the ancient observer is much greater than that of the science-warped modern.
I’m glad for science and its advances. I’m glad to know why certain things happen. I am grateful that human curiosity finds out ways to understand, even manipulate the resources around us. Electricity is managed as watts and voltages and courses through the veins of every building I spend time in. I can write this journal entry with a cheap pen and a book manufactured in a factory, reading my bible with light generated by electricity, enjoying fresh brewed coffee because of the advances in knowledge afforded us through science. But all of that CANNOT diminish the wonder I know in my Creator! I know what lightning is physically, but HIS lightnings still light up the world... I see them and I tremble.
God of lightning... God of the storm... I see Your power throughout the universe displayed. I give You glory and worship as the Creator! And in this glorious world You have made, I will wander with wonder, understand it as I can, and make You known!