And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.
Galatians 6:9-10
Paul says three things about doing good things in these two verses that arrest my attention today. First, we should not give up on doing good things for other people. The implication is that we will grow tired and perhaps feel unrewarded. Being good to people does not mean we will always get good back from others. Some people are frankly, jerks. All people are born sinners. But we must persevere in doing what is good. We are promised by God that faithfulness to doing good despite the reception or how we feel about it will be rewarded by Him.
Secondly, Paul reminds us that the scope of doing good is global. "Everyone" means... well... all the humans on the planet. Christians, changed and motivated by the gospel, should want to live like Jesus to everyone they come into contact with... no exceptions... no limits. That's the way that Jesus is.
Finally, the church is a unique place to be good to one another. If we fight sin well, and love one another well, the church is like a loving family that cares for each member of the household of faith. Christians should live in obedience to the call to care for one another, looking for a chance to do good to our brothers and sisters... and all the world.