For what can a man give in return for his soul?
Mark 8:37
This world offers lots of cheap options to sell out a soul. It is a bad gamble, a losing proposition, and a rotten deal every time. And yet most people will live, and sadly, die, having sold their souls at a steep loss. The world will not offer anything near the soul’s eternal value. Fleeting moments cannot equal the permanence of eternity with Jesus!
Here are some of the cheap plastic knock-off trinkets the world wants to offer for our souls:
“Power” or “Prestige”. But it really isn’t! Let the buyer beware. The world offers AAA battery voltage compared to the unfathomable power of God in Christ that created, sustains, and fills the universe! And political power (despite yesterday’s outcomes)? A burnt matchstick in comparison to the power of God!
Pleasure. This is the most alluring trade off from what we see displayed by the world system. People easily think that the goal of all life is physical ease and pleasure. But sin corrupts all good pleasures when it makes its offer! God provides pleasures forevermore at His right hand. And age and decay do not diminish the pleasures of desiring God and enjoying His gifts!
Worldly wealth. There is no lasting treaure in this world. Jesus calls us to lay up treasure in heaven. But the world offers empty property deeds and bank accounts that will drain dry… and honestly, it will all burn away to make way for Christ’s rule in a new heavens and a new earth!
The world will cheat us! Satan will try to deceive us. We need to heed Jesus’ warning to take up a cross (something this world considers repulsive and will NEVER truly value) and follow Him (Mark 8:34-36). That is the real value. This is the true reward. I am banking on it!