Wednesday, May 22, 2024

what it takes to be revived and renewed

When the humble see it they will be glad;
you who seek God, let your hearts revive.
For the LORD hears the needy
and does not despise his own people who are prisoners.
Psalm 69:32-33

God loves to revive and renew. But first we must recognize our need for such revival. This passage describes the people who know they need renewal. 

They are humble. Pride will refuse to see the need for God’s transformative work so those who are freed must repent of pride and admit their humble state. They are needy. Not only that, they acknowledge their need for God to bring desperately longed-for change. They cry out to Him! They are prisoners. Circumstances hold them captive and limit them in some painful way. They are bound by their sin … or outside influences … or a mixture of both in some way. God’s reviving renewal sets them free.

And this is how God brings new life to old losses and pains. We first must humbly accept that we need what only God can do. We are powerless to renew our own situations. This is Jesus’ job! We must come to Him humble and needy. Until we are aware of that need, we will stay stuck in our hardships or sins, like prison bars that keep us from moving forward. We are all needy people craving mercy and grace that Christ longs to pour over us! We must come to God regularly in our helpless bondage. We need freedom. Jesus will throw open the doors to a new life, take us by the hand, and lead us to it with Him! Renewed and revived, we can humbly praise, see our needs met, and be released from what once held us back!

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