Friday, September 21, 2018

children of light

While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.
John 11:36a

Jesus knew He was the light of the world and He urged His disciples to live in His light. Belief in Jesus as Lord and Savior turns us into His “children of light” in this world. The world was a dark place in need of the light of Jesus when He spoke these words. The world is still in a dark place now, in need of the followers of Jesus to shine the light of the gospel in every corner of human activity and to live in the  light of Jesus in order to dispel the darkness.

The light shines in my life and illuminates the darkness that resides in my own heart. The lamp of God’s Word shines, pointing always to my Savior, and the gospel brings forgiveness and the capacity for new holiness where once only dark stumblings were  possible. Thank God for His light. It is glorious.

The darkness of the world around us only creates more darkness. There are occasional glimmers from humanity, but those are always brief and quickly snuffed out by the suffocating gloom of self, sin, and a system that is opposed to God. Without the gospel and without children of light shining it, the world would be without any light at all.

Thank You for being the light. I pray I may be a son of light shining with my words and deeds in my corner of the world. And I pray that Your church will always be shining gospel light strongly until You return.

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